Embassy of Hungary to the Netherlands
Address: Hogeweg 14, 2585 JD Den Haag
Tel: +31 70 222 3939
E-mail: mission.hga@mfa.gov.hu



Consular Office

Consular services, including emergency travel documents, documentary and notarial services are carried out at our Consulate in The Hague.
Address: Hogeweg 14, 2585 JD Den Haag
Phone:  +31 70 222 3999
E-mail: consulate.hga@mfa.gov.hu


Urgent assistance outside opening hours:

If you need urgent help on weekdays after 16.30, on Fridays after 14.00 and during weekends or holidays (for example when you became a victim of a crime or someone was arrested or died, in case of an unlikely event like an environmental disaster, etc.), call the following numbers: from Hungary 06-80-36-80-36, from abroad/from the Netherlands  +36-80-36-80-36.  You can send text messages via WhatsApp to +36-30-36-36-111 or via Viber to +36-30-36-36-555.



Opening hours (Please note that consular services are by appointment only!):

  • Monday 1:00 pm– 4:00 pm
  • Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: 9:00 am – 12:00 am

Making an appointment via our booking system is required before visiting the Consulate.





Assistance by telephone:

  • Monday and Friday: 9:00 am – 12:00 am
  • Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: 1:00 pm– 4:00 pm


If the information you requested can be found on our website or is outside the jurisdiction of the Consular Services, we will not send you a separate reply to your message.




Office of Economic Affairs
Address: Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 271, 2593 BS Den Haag
tel:  +31 70 222 3980 
e-mail: trade.hga@mfa.gov.hu 



A list of diplomatic staff members of the Embassy of Hungary may be found here